INI Settings

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Replication Important


Must run on server


Should run on server


Must run on client


Should run on client


Requires Multicasting


Blueprint Script
GameUserSettings.ini (GUS.ini)

INI Settings

Written by CreativeHD - Original Post

  1. Go to the blueprint in which you want the variable to be located (In this example it would be the Ankylo character blueprint)
  2. Declare a variable that you want to get the information for from the initiation file. You can only get strings, booleans, floats and integers from an initiation file. (In this example I have a float variable named “AnkyloGrowTime”)
  3. In this part we will set up the graph. First right-click and add a “SwitchHasAuthority” node (I have an “EventBeginPlay” event plugged into the node.)
  4. Then you want to “right-click” and add a “GetGameMode” node.
  5. From there pull off the game mode reference and cast it to “ShooterGameMode”.
  6. Then plug the execution pin from the “Authority” section of the “SwitchHasAuthority” to the “CastToShooterGameMode” node. (The “Authority” option tells the game to get/send data from the server side and the “Remote” option would get/send data from the client side.
  7. Next you would right-click and add a “GetOptionIni” node. (Either a "GetStringOption", “GetBoolOptionIni”, “GetFloatOptionIni” or “GetIntOptionIni”. In this example I will use a “GetFloatOptionIni” node).
  8. In the “GetOptionIni” node you will now fill out the “Section” area with the name of the section you want your variable to be under in the ini file. Then you will fill out the “OptionName” area in the same node to assign a name that will appear to represent your variable in the ini file (For this example I have the “Section” set to “BabyDinosGrowTime” and the “OptionName” to AnkyloGrowTime.
  9. After the “GetOptionIni” node you will now have to set your variable with the information from the ini file. To do this you can drag your variable into the graph and select set. Then plug in the execution pin and the return value pin into the set node.
  10. Now you will have to go to the “GameUserSettings.ini” file which is located at this directory: ARKDevKit\Projects\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Windows
  11. From there open the “GameUserSetting.ini” file and scroll to the bottom. Now you will type in the information you put in the node in the graph. So first type [Section] (replace Section with the name you set). Then hit enter and type OptionName=0 (replace OptionName with the name you set in the node and replace the 0 with whatever value you want. Once done save the file.
  12. Now if you have your editor still open close the editor and reopen it to reinitialize the initiation file. PLEASE NOTE WHEN YOU CHANGE VALUES IN THE INI FILE YOU HAVE TO RESTART THE EDITOR FOR THEM TO TAKE EFFECT. This is because the initiation file is only read on start up.