Submit Node Info

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Use the following format to submit information on a particular node.

Create Your Page

Create a new page named after the node in PascalCase, i.e. AddNewItem

Import the Node Template

Copy the following line into the page, change the NodeClass to be the class of the node (i.e. PrimalItem) and save it in order to import the template.

Setup the Node Information Banner

Add an X to enable the appropriate authority

Replication Important


Must run on server


Should run on server


Must run on client


Should run on client


Requires Multicasting


Upload Image of Node

Upload an image and with name Node_NodeName.jpg, where node name is replaced with your node. i.e. Node_StaticAddBuff.jpg

Add Information

Add information on how to use the node as well as info on the inputs / outputs to the tables.