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This is a quick tutorial on how to setup custom wild colors and taming food for your new dino.
I will be using the monkey in this tutorial. For the food, I will only be adding 1 new "standard" food base (any poop) as well as setting a specific type of poop (massive) to be an instant taming kibble. You can add/remove to the existing food types as you see fit. For the colors, I am deleting the defaults and creating 3 of my own colors as a basic guide. Make more colors or add your new colors to the existing ones for more variety. Colors may or may not require first load order. I do not know if the color array in the PrimalGameData stacks or not. It would however only be an issue when using another dino color mod.
Part 1 - Colors:

Part 2 - Food:

Settings Definitions (I have only tested a few and some results were inconclusive)

Food Effectiveness Multiplier: Partially tested - Determines how much the taming bar fills per feeding.

Health Effectiveness Multiplier: Partially tested - Multiplies health amount given by particular food. Set to 100 with poop as food and it kills monkey instantly.

Torpidity Effectiveness Multiplier: Untested - Looks self explanatory.

Affinity Effectiveness Multiplier: Untested - Affinity = taming boost. IE: Higher Affinity = Higher level dino upon tamed

Affinity Override: Tested - Affinity = taming boost. IE: Higher Affinity = Higher level dino upon tamed. Higher setting here also = faster taming. IE: 100000 = Instant perfect tame

Stamina Effectiveness Multiplier: Untested - Looks self explanatory.

Food Item Category: Untested - Looks un-used?

Food Item Parent: Tested - The food to be consumed

Untamed Food Consumption Priority: Untested - Looks un-used?